Sunday, September 4, 2011

Marx Returns

For too long have we lived under the impression that nothing comes close to the effectiveness and fairness of democracy. So all countries jumped on the bandwagon and started applying this market-biased economic model across all industries, and found it rather helpful. Who would've thought there existed an invisible hand that works for them without asking for salary. Post World War 2 saw the success of democracy, an engine that gave everyone what communism couldn't: freedom. Freedom of almost everything. They could choose where to live and what to be. The world was promised prosperity beyond bounds, so long as they work hard. The governments will continue to expand their countries and multiply their wealth, for as long as democracy prevails.

But come late 90s, one series of bad events followed another. First it was just the Far Eastern Economic region, but soon even European and American countries were falling into crises and getting bankrupt. All around the known world the gap between the rich and poor starts to widen, creating a gaping hole where the middle class should've been occupying. But where are they now? It is obvious now that Democracy is flawed and needs a remodel.

Who suggests and defends the Democratic Model? Your politicians. The people you voted. The same ones managing your finances and ultimately deciding your livelihood. The very ones cruising around at the back of Bentleys and G6s and Air Force Ones. Wait! Isn't Democracy about freedom and fairness? Then why is there still this elite group of Masons who only circle wealth among themselves? Do they not agree with the Multiplier Effect they so proudly market?

Who do the politicians invite to brainwash talks of better economy and brighter future? You. Who do they then invite to gala dinners and posh receptions? Other wealthy people they need to be seen around. Who will walk the streets and endure tear gas and chemical water when they want to overthrow each other? You.

I don't see the fairness in this economic model. I don't see the difference between this Democracy and Communism. Well at least Communism don't lie to you and give you the impression that you have a chance at making it big.

When you step back and observe the way Democracy works, you'll find the same method being used by McDonald's, Apple, Nike and Microsoft. Democracy is merely a marketing ideology, nothing more. Democracy can only be real when everyone believes it to be, kinda like the moral in the movie Skeleton Key. This economic model has no practical foundations, no physical appearance, no actual meat. It's theory is not even sound. It's like the iPod: why would anyone buy something from a company with absolutely no experience in sound hardware and software engineering, which resulted in probably the worst music player in the market? The colors are nice. They look awesome. Everyone has one, so it can't be thaaat bad.

Democracy is only a perception. No more. What we need is a sound plan, a solid method, a well-founded and proven model that can actually bring the poor out of that range. A model that can tell us all: Yes, we can ALL be rich without making others worse off! Because humans do not know the meaning of love and equality. We are selfish retards. Why else would Germany want Greece out of the EU?

So what is this new model? Maybe I'll tell you next week, if I got the time to lay them down here. In the mean time go save some money and buy yourself a Mont Blanc pen. You'll need to offer it to me very soon.

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