Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Answer to Earth's Troubles

The world is dying. She is suffocating and she is bleeding. She is crying.

The balance that this world thrives on is gone, destroyed by the one race that doesn't believe in it. This race talks of divine creation and ultimate ascension and purity and ownership. They should've broken the mold after the two came into this world.

Let's face it, humanity is the weakest link in the chain of life. We are arrogant, spiteful, selfish and irresponsible. We think we are the most superior race in the world because we were made in God's image. And that God has to look like humans, not a cow or an elephant or a monkey because that would be stupid. Why would God want to look like lesser beings right? But I will not talk about God and his master plan. I will talk about his most flawed creation; that furless big-headed biped race with opposing thumbs.

Everything we do destroys the world. The house we live in, the food we eat, the car we drive, the bus we take, the office we work in, the boat we have, everything. Yet with all the given intelligence, the best we could come up with are Carbon Ratings, Recycle, Green, Hybrid, Vegetarian and Paper-less. How genius, I bet the apes can do better. So I will pick a few great ideas out of the hat and evaluate it's credit.

Eat meat and you allow animals to suffer and die to fill your stomachs. We have an alternative: veges. Do we now? Vegetarians are not really against animal cruelty in slaughterhouses and coops, they just don't want to be apart of this madness. They fold their hands and look away. Responsible vegetarians would start a movement to ultimately ban the consumption of meat all around the world ( I suspect that was Hitler's plan all along). Impossible? Shark Fin activists seem to be doing a beautiful job.

So imagine this: now we have more meat eaters than vegans. I stress vegans because I think these are the only true vegetarians. Those Octo-Lacto-Pollo Vegetarians are all idiots. We have animal farms and vegetable fields. Farms are filled with-say-30 cows. Each cow feeds an average of 300 humans ( say each person eats 8oz of meat and the cow weighs 600kgs). 30 cows will set 9000 people happy and content. Say the same plot of land is flattened for wheat plantation. How many grains of wheat will be harvested at the end of the cycle? How many people would that be able to feed? Remember that we will eat more plants than animals to satiate the same hunger because plants generate less energy.  Imagine now that the entire population are vegetarians. Will there be enough land for all our plantations? Where would the forests go? And we'd be cruel to gophers too.

If you think being vegetarian would stop us from causing violence to animals, you are probably a normal human being with average thinking capacity. Sadly. The amount of jungles that needs to be flattened and cleared would completely destroy the entire ecosystem, all to feed the most superior race in the world. Genius. Then animals and insects and plants would go extinct, and all we'll have are wheat and rice and cabbages and corn. And we will have no more animals to do violence against.

What's a smarter move? I hear the Halal Slaughter method is both the most efficient and pain-free to animals. Or are we too arrogant to heed another fellow humans' ancient skill? It doesn't require laser-precision cutting tools or giant hooks and small coops. We need to eat. The least we could do as the most superior race in the world is allow the animals we eat to die the most painless way.

Animal Testing
Do you know when labs to animal testing? When these tests are too dangerous to be done on humans. Do you know what is it they test which are so dangerous to humans? Sometimes just some stupid face moisturizer. But other times possible cure for cancer. For all those people who are against animal testing, I urge you to hold yourself accountable to your own words. Do not find yourselves patron to these drugs when you're dying of cancer, they were developed using animals as tests.
I am not saying I love and encourage animal testing. But humanity's greed cannot survive unfed. And the losing end will always be the helpless races: animals. In our unyielding fight to achieve immortality, we must sacrifice the lesser beings. That is ultimately the most incompetent statement ever.
Do animal testing, but only on areas that require them the most. Ban them on all of those beautifying rubbish that won't save anyone's life even if it could float. Allow only in the most critical researches.


How many of us actually care where our trash end up? How many of us have seperate bins for seperate trash? How many of us actually care if those rubbish actually end up in recycling centers? We care, but only at our conveniences. We talk so much of paperless everything, and yet we keep Googling every single stupid word up instead of using a distionary because it is easier. Well using the search engine also generates Carbon Dioxide.

We tear down trees for toilet rolls and make ourselves happy by replanting them, saying technically it's the same. Have you seen a tree plantation as opposed to an actual jungle? Do you know that tree plantations are almost completely free of fauna?

The list goes on. Ultimately I am suggesting that if we truly and selflessly want the world to become better, humanity has to completely die off. There cannot be a single human soul left on Earth. Now that changes everything right? All of a sudden we're not too ready to save the world anymore. But hink about it, everything we do is detrimental to the Earth. If it was any other animal, we'd approve total anihilation without thinking twice.

If you are out there doing that little good to the environment and thinking you're above the rest because you're somehow saving everyone's lives like a superhero, I'm sorry but the only way you can save the world is by killing yourselves. Better yet, create a zombie virus that will disable the intelligence of all humanity in 28 days or less.

Just a baseless thought.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cross Out the Cuckoos

I sat down one day with some friends planning their wedding dinner, and we were talking about invites. There was a constant dilemma on this topic. On one hand there are not enough tables, because they have to allocate tables for relatives and close families. Then there's the problem of inviting one person, and not not inviting the others in his/her group who you're actually not too close with, but may end up inviting to prevent that one friend from feeling bored and the rest feeling left out. I don't know if it will help much, but I have prepared a checklist of people you wouldn't want to invite, and why.

People Who Don't Remember You
In life we constantly come across people who are nice to talk to and maybe even hang out with, but could never progress to deeper levels of friendship. Don't waste your time on them, because they wouldn't be bothered even if you died. Worst off, you have to invite their partners so he/she won't feel so bored, which is a complete waste of seats.

College Friends 
Although epic times, most college friendships don't last long. And by the time college/university is over everybody will go their own separate ways, never to contact each other again. You spend at most 3 years with them, and that was some 10 years ago. Save your seats for people who matter more.

Your Exes
Unless you have both managed to become bffs after, especially, bad break ups, please do not make it hard for your exes. You may not think it, but inviting your ex to your wedding is the single most evil thing one can ever do to their past loves.

Just Ones
Sometimes you meet one person whom you can get along with very well, but find that you can't get along with his/her friends and neither can he/she with yours. Inviting one person would cause extreme boredom and ultimately a bad experience at your wedding. But how many of his/her friends would you invite then? My advise, cross his/her name from your list. When asked, just say you have too many relatives to invite and not enough seats for friends.

Contractors and Suppliers
Seriously, you have a wedding dinner to celebrate your union with friends and family. And contractors and suppliers are neither friend nor family. Don't use your wedding dinner to lick their boots. Your wives will appreciate your ability to detach from work at least that once.

Not-Really Friends
There will be people who envy and hate you for whatever reason. Don't ever think " it's the right thing to do" and invite them anyway. Don't waste your resources on these filthy mongrels. You should be happy and completely disconnected from hate and vengeance.

Kids laugh, cry, whine, run around, throw things, vomit and poop everywhere. Plus chances are they won't remember who's wedding they attended, and who you are even. Ask their parents to keep them at home with a sitter.

Great Grand Relatives
With super old people you have a new set of problems: food, air-conditioning, duration of the dinner, Sharks Fin Soup. Old people cannot eat solid food so you'll have to get them meshed up shit. They hate the cold and warm so your air-conditioner temperature must be optimal. They cannot sit too long so you'll need to rush out the dishes before they pester their kids to leave. They think it's blasphemous not to have shark's fin as it will tell relatives that they're too poor to afford. Keep these old farts at home, and have your wedding the way you want it.

Friends' girl/boyfriends
Chances are you'll be wasting precious seats to people whom you'll probably never see again. Boy/girlfriends come and go, and they will never know the value of attending your wedding dinner.

Karaoke Junkie Relatives
Avoid at all costs. If you can't, then make sure there's nothing close enough to a karaoke machine in the hall. Some may even ask that you just play the song and they sing along on stage with the microphone. Get a jazz band to occupy the space. Anything to keep these junkies off the mic.

There you go, 10 types of people you should avoid inviting should you need to filter. Because frankly you don't need a dinner with 60 tables if half of them are not real friends and family. Wife would agree to divert those expenses to your honeymoon.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Greed: Humanity's Driving Force

Whoa it's been a while since my last post. To the few who have been following my posts, my sincerest apologies. The past 7 months have been most unusual. So here I am trying to set things back on track, and what better way than to post up a rant.

I have been asked this question before quite a number fo times.
 " Bang Qin, why are you so greedy? You should learn to be complacent. You've got a lot of things other people can't even dream of possessing."

Gratitude is Complacency with Greed. Greed is a tool, not having the ability to inflict damage to anyone or anything without a user. Complacency is another word for Sloth or Laziness. If you disagree with my definition of Complacency, then you may say Complacency is us being happy and grateful and content with everything given to us; a family, health and a job opportunity, a safe country, a secure future. What you're trying very hard to bury is the realistic facts. The fact that you're settling for mediocre health, mediocre job, mediocre country and a mediocre future.

It's okay for simpletons to just settle, being content with all that is given to you and make the best of what you have. But understand also that by settling in mediocraty, you have automatically revoked your rights to advancement. Because advancement requires greed. Because advancement is against all of your principles of complacency.

Complacency is being happy with what is and not asking for more because that would require a certain amount of greed. Complacency is also the inability to demand because that too would require a certain amount of greed.

So in practical terms, a complacent person should not expect the Economy to improve. They should not expect the Education System in the country to improve. They should not hope for a cure for Cancer, even if they are stricken by it.

So Complacency is, simply put, just being there. And then it's gone. Nobody notices, nobody cares. The Complacent can never impact the world, they can never move society, they can never change minds. They just appear when they are allowed to, and when the time is gone, disappears.

Do you think the complacent discovered the Penicillin? Do you think the complacent landed on the Moon? Do you think the complacent built the Aventador ( yes, at this point Top Gear just aired that episode)? News flash, they were built by the Greedy. It is the gratification they're chasing after that gave us all the above. Greed is the key to humanity's advancement. If you thought scientists lock themselves in labs for so many years researching the cure to Cancer and AIDS because they were emotionally fueled by passion.

Very often people justify what they do to make themselves feel good about themselves, but ultimately they're all the same: success of driven by greed. Doctors and Insurance Agents tell themselves their jobs allow them to save lives and help people, but honestly they're just there for the money and status. No free ticket to heaven there.

I'm not saying we should not be happy with what we have. Feel gratitude. Feel Gratified. Thank God for all that is given. But never sit on it and be complacent. Never compare yourselves with people worst off just so you can relax. The world's advancement require responsible amounts of Greed. It also require Gratitude. It can never move forward with Complacency.

Don't take my word for it. Go out and see for yourselves. Make your own deductions.