Tuesday, November 20, 2012

LOVE: Prequel to The Pain Series

You hate. You love. You hate to love because loving makes you weak, it makes you need, it makes you hate. Love exposes the most vulnerable of yourself to that one person, breaks down all the walls you worked so hard and long to build. You lose all focus, you lose sight of your goals and aspirations. You forget who you are to become who you want that person to like. You sell yourself short of your own identity to fit into everything that person is. Then you realize you are weak because you do not have a backbone. You need to get the attention of that person. You need that person to approve, to see, to nod, to smile, to laugh, to want to see you. 

If you'd see yourself from a third person's eyes, you'd hate yourself for everything you have become. But not yet. You're still okay with it because this feeling drives you. This feeling that for the first time in so long you are ALIVE. There is confusion. The world turns faster than you can process, everything seems out of control. But you like it. You fucking love it. You could feel your heart beating, you could hear your breathing, long and constant. You can actually see your pupils dilate, that smirk that runs across your face whenever that person's name is mentioned, and how those wrinkles around your eyes form showing everyone able to see that there is a lot of hidden truth behind that smirk. 

But what you hate most is the fall that usually comes after the high. The fear of failure, of rejection, of crashing and burning. The depression that falls onto you almost immediately, crushing all your bones, leaving you bleeding by the sidewalk alone and cold. You shiver. Your breath becomes short and rapid. Your chest hurts like it has been stabbed repeatedly by a serrated knife. All these pain inside you. It implodes, you feel the pain you have never felt before, you cry but no tears would come out. And when you think you've recovered, it happens again. You think every following implosion feels less painful, they do not. They always feel like something worse than the one before. And it happens. Again. And again. And again. 

Months pass, maybe a year. Everything you've ever achieved is gone. You find yourself washed up by the bank of a disgusting river, wounded, broken, tired. But suddenly you feel normal again. Your eyes can see light. Your chest doesn't feel heavy and it doesn't feel like it's bleeding from the inside. No implosion. No knives. You feel, for the first time ever, warmth in your hands. They do not tremble. Your face is not pale white. There are no longer tear marks on your cheeks. You stand up against the sunrise, it feels good. You take a breath, deep and long. You've been reborn. Much healing needs to be done, but you are glad you are out of the shithole. 

You vowed never again to fall into this pit or anything like it. NEVER. So you reserve yourself, you stay away from everything that can lead to anything. Whenever someone comes near, you back off. Whenever you sense something, you immediately strategize an exit plan. You grow numb, you lose the senses. You think you're happy, able to do whatever it is you've always wanted to do, whenever you want to do them. You meet people, but they don't mean anything to you. Whenever feelings do arise, you disappear. Always running away. 

People around you ask. Not the loyal ones, only the ones who love to gossip and back stab. Only the ones who'd be too quick to judge. Only those who think they know everything about the world and they can easily label you. Only those who have been having it easy and don't understand why you shouldn't do the same. Not the loyal ones. The loyal ones never ask everyone else, they only ask you. And when you do not want to tell, you will not pursuit further. 

But people still talk. Why is it that you have such disgusting levels of self-esteem? Why can't you stand up and try again? Do you have some queer disease, or just without the disease? People love to talk, to compare you to what normal people would do. And when you do not fit into this category, you are worth the headlines of the evening edition. 

Then out of nowhere, it happens. You have no idea how and when it happened, but it just fucking did. Stealthily it creeps into your head and embeds this cancer into you, and when you realized it's existence it is already in stage 3. Chronic. You've fallen in love again. All the strongest walls and defense systems crumble. The world around you falls apart. Volcanoes erupt, ice-caps melt, storm rages. Chaos, chaos, chaos. You have no idea what is happening. You do not know what to do. You don't want it, but you are redoing every single thing all over again. 

Love. Need. Hate. The smirk. The smile. The lost identity. The heart beat, the pupils, the inability to contain anything. In your every waking hour. In your every dream. No backbone. You are hating yourself right now, but not yet. For once in the longest time, you feel fucking ALIVE. You want to keep that feeling for a little while more. Once in a while sanity knocks on your door. It tells you to come to your senses. It tells you to snap out of this. You do, for a while. Then that person shows another trait you respect so much, you immediately toss yourself into the whirlpool of self-destructive clouds again. 

It comes a full circle now. You're in so deep now. You remember why you've always been trying so hard to avoid this. But it's too late. You look back to the gruesome years it took for you to recover, the pain you had to go through that no self-inflicting cuts can trump, and all the senses are suddenly knocked back into your head. I told you so, it says. I told you so, over and over again. How are you suppose to get yourself out of this shit now? Fucking idiot. Stupid fucking idiot! 

Friday, November 9, 2012

For Once

For once I want to celebrate my stupidity. I want to be able to look back at all the shit I've done wrong, however bad, smile at them, and let myself know it's not that bad. I want to be able to tell people how stupid I was, how stupid I am, and how stupid I can always become in the future. Because I am me.  Let me be as stupid as I want to be. 

For once I want to celebrate my arrogance. However little I have I want to be able to tell people I'm actually good at something. I may not be the best, but being good is enough to earn bragging rights. Let me talk about these things. Let me be happy for me. Let me look down on people. Let me spit at people. Let me laugh at people. Let me be arrogant and proud. 

For once I want to be a douche. I want to fire and forget. I want to do things and not think of the consequences and just move on. I want to forget I have a family and not live my life for the family. I want to get whatever I want, be whatever I want, become whatever I want, and not think about the effects of them. I don't want to think about everyone else's feelings anymore. I want to start thinking of myself for just this once. Let me be an ass to everyone around me and not be bothered. 

For once I want to be alone. Let me be free of labels and stigma and fear and discrimination and hate. Let me be the only Man in the world. Let me be free of judgement. Of cock-stares. Let me be in peace. Leave me the fuck alone. No noise. No talking. No back-stabbing. No rumors. No gossips. 

For once I want to be like my father. Let me be irresponsible. Let me be abusive. Let me be a dick. Let me rage whenever I want to at whatever I want to. Let me kill. Let me beat up anybody I want. Let me spend all my money without any guilt, buy anything just because I want to. Let me be the one taking money from everyone instead of giving, despite me making the most in my family.

For once I want to drink. Let me smoke up. Let me chase. Let me trip. Let me see colorful paintings on the walls melting. Let me wake up to another day like the one before, always seeing paintings on the walls melting. 

For once I want to dig my nose in public. Let me fart the silent killer in the lift. Let me sit with my legs raised in the restaurant. Let me drive on the wrong side of the road. Let me sit in the corner of the house I don't own and dream of being a zombie-slayer. Let me not need medication to stay alive. Let me take food off of stalls without paying. Let me screw that neighbor's hot wife and not need to pay.

For once I want to have the parking lot I want, whenever I want it. Let me have green light on all the roads I pass through, when I pass through them. Let me have red light whenever I want to send a text message. Let me have whoever I want whenever I want. Let there be traffic jam when I want to be late and no traffic jam when I'm rushing. 

For once I want to feel alive. Let me do the things I think is right at that time, no matter how silly and idiotic they actually are. Let me have no remorse, no fear, no regrets. No books to tell me what I should and shouldn't do. No need to earn respect of anyone. No need to be good at anything. 

For once I want to die in that little corner of the back alley of a druggie-infested street. Let me go without having to think what would my family think of me, what would my friends think of me. Let me not have a proper burial. Let me have none of it. Let me rot into nothingness and let nobody miss me.