Monday, November 23, 2009

Celebrate Sunset Sediments with Cider Sides

Its the beginning of a new world. A world with no trees. No TV and no Slurpee. No subway, no Coke, no cinemas, no actors, no camera. The war had passed. EMP, nuclear and everything in between. Yes, no PSP and no iPhones. No cars with Electronic whatevers, no ships and planes. 

"We're driving West for Days now."
Well, someone managed to salvage a working car, it seems. The West is the direction of salvation. Rumor has it, there's a place in the far west where trees grow and rivers run. People are so nice they'd smile at you, not run you down with lead. Food is abundant, water are clean. People got jobs and houses and families and Rights. Everyone could do with some of those right about now, especially the last. 
There were no indications to how far west it lies, or how it looks like. Only that nobody outside of it has ever been there, because when you're in you don't want to leave. Or so they say. 

"Do not falter, the journey may be long but God its worth it!"
Optimism is the key to reaching this promised land. Persistence is the drive. Be brave and face all the perils of the journey, for the reward is mind blowing. It is not for the faint hearted. It is not for procrastinators and lazy and pessimistic and  content and barbaric. It's for visionaries. It's for real survivors. 

"Around us cities in dust, beyond that barren wastelands"
The world is in ruins. All of civilization and its pride and glory is now rubbish. They don't feed the people now. The won't grow and turn into meat and potatoes. They now house bats and lions and giant lizards. The wild has reclaimed their rightful ownership of the land once taken from them. Grass grows, moss and shrubs. No trees. No forest. No waterfalls and no lakes. 

"They wear tie, slacks and black shoes."
To hold a job is to be able to contribute to society. To wear a tie is to be able to present and represent. To wear black shoes is to have the luxury of owning more than one pair of shoes. 

Life is only good when it is better than others. Life is only worth living when there's a mission and vision one can strive for. Sunset Sediments is the part that takes up less than 5% of your Iced Milo, but also the best. Too much would make you hate it, too little would make you not know how good it tastes. Sunset Sediments is the Promised Land of today, in which many around the world flock to become a part of. It is also the land of hypocrisy you'd learn to hate when you're in there for too long.   

Sunset Sediments is your weak and cheap car, generic MP3 player, 60 Ringgit shoes, middle-income home, mamak lunch and the inability to upgrade your old and cheap DLSR. 

Sunset Sediments is also your working car, the ability to listen to music on the go, a pair of usable shoes, a home that's yours, food in your stomach and a camera. 

Sunset Sediments is anything you want to be, if you so choose, when you so choose. 

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