Thursday, May 12, 2011

Parliament of Crooks

Firstly I would like to apologise for not attaching an enticing photo with today's post. My computer crashed on me last week, and this stupid iPad does not allow me to upload anything online. Well then on to more pressing matters now, shall we.

Who are the ones actually making these margins all these while? Your bosses. Why was it that you have never felt the need to constantly ask for a raise? Because they give you a 10% raise once every 3 years and marginally increase your benefits once every 3 years to make you happy. 
Say for example you have superb insurance coverage provided by your employers, which they pay every month, and which you will add to your value because they are benefits. But have you asked yourself the important question When Will I Need It? The answer is after your retirement. The answer is after you leave the company. The answer is You Cannot Use It When You Actually Need It. 
Your bosses are actually only giving you the impression that your value is higher than your actual pay, but it is not. When it comes down to actual dollars and cents, your bosses are the only ones getting richer. 

Inflation is not an excuse for your bosses to not increase your pay. Inflation does not make money disappear into thin air. Inflation actually means your pay going up, but you also find that cost of living is also doing the same.

What do you do? If you plan to stay where you are and hope a strong union will bail you out of the situation, keep dreaming. The banking industry already have strong unions, and look at how silly the bankers have to suck up to their leaders just to move up in ranks. 

We need to change. We need to understand that we are worth more than what these fat bastards are paying us now. The government needs to protect us from foreign competition. When companies don't get to employ at the rate they're paying, and can't look into foreigners, they will eventually increase the pay. And when a new balance is reached, people will actually start to enjoy their work. 

But you will "Cheh" me and say "If Only It Was That Easy". I can tell you that as long as you don't believe, it will never happen. Who says life was easy? But it is worth being passionate about. 

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