Monday, March 21, 2011

Remove Them Blinkers

I was driving in town, heading towards a traffic light junction. I was going to take the slip stream turning left, and there was a Singaporean car in front of me doing the same. As we were making the turn, I noticed a white couple waiting at the edge of the Zebra Crossing for traffic to allow them passage. The Singaporean car stopped for them. As they were crossing, another man reached the Zebra Crossing and was about to make the cross when the car suddenly moved and forced him to step back to the curb. That man appeared to be Bangladeshi.

At the end of 2010, parts of Peninsula Malaysia were struck by flood. News reported daily updates of the dead, stranded, and destroyed. Twitter and Facebook spread minimal news of the event. A week later parts of Brisbane flooded. Twitter and Facebook were full of daily updates on people inconvenienced by that flood.

Many years ago Asian ladies would die to be married to a white guy. It doesn't matter where they're from or how they look or how old they are. White was white was white. And white was superior. White was God Race. Well that was many years ago.

Nowadays Asians who study abroad get to know and mingle with this so-called God Race, and find them rather..... ungod-like. They don't breathe fire, they don't wield thunder striking hammers, they can't stare you to death. They're not even all that smart, come to think of it. They're human, they bleed red and they learn like us and make mistakes like us and die before 100 years old like us.

What was it that makes this kind of people so superior, besides the fact that they gave us The Renaissance and The Industrial Revolution and The Rococo and The Penicillin and air planes and trains and cars and roads and toilets and sewers and electricity and phones and Coke and McDonald's and The Internet and democracy? Nothing. They're exactly like any of us Asians, only fairer and fatter from climate and culture.

But I bet some would disagree. They are those who will talk different when with a white, drink all kinds of Monets just to look 'cultured', celebrate ID4 more passionately than 31st August, wish they could bleach their skin to look more 'elite' and do not let their kids learn their mother tongue so they wouldn't have the accent.

I say screw all who still worship selected races. Have some dignity, people! We are exactly the same inside. Our lack of influence in the world's history was not caused by lack of intelligence, rather lack of opportunities. So they were the first ones who occupied the world and discovered fire. Given us the same amount of time we'd get them done right too! And why was it that our leaders believed what Marx said?!

We gave the world fireworks ( which ultimately led to all wars known to Man) and mathematics and astrology . Not much, but not that bad considering.

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