Convenience has made people impatient. Rather than having to go to something, things now go to them. Roads span the entire world, endless information available with just a click and have groceries delivered to your doorstep. People do not need to wait for anything anymore. Everything waits for people now. The lift hovers in mid air, waiting for someone to summon it. The escalator runs round and round, waiting for someone to get on it. Cable TV boxes record movies and series, waiting for people to watch them. Pirated music and software hiding behind the veils of the lawless developing nations, waiting for people to download them. Internet speed is so fast people don't have to wait for anything to dial 1511 anymore. People get everything so instantly waiting becomes tiresome and annoying. People don't even want to travel anymore. People are just waiting for the teleportation device to be invented.
Complacency has made people lazy. People start comparing themselves to everyone around them. They start to question their desires and dreams. They start thinking that it's not so bad being where they are. They figure that if everyone can do that, why must they struggle to achieve their dreams. People think being ambitious is equivalent to being naive and childish and stupid. Then people stop striving. And people start settling. And when people see other more successful people, they get jealous. And people start coming up with excuses to make themselves feel happy. They are struggling. They've got no money. They are not happy. They come from rich families. People give themselves excuses for not trying, for not fighting, for not sacrificing.
Education has made people stupid. Boxes were made to be analysed, not entered. Lights are meant to illuminate, not prevent darkness. People learn. People learn what other people taught. People learn the mistakes from their past fathers. People learn not to repeat these mistakes. People know that cats are furry and walk on four. People know sharks are dangerous and should be eradicated. People then know that fake food is good. Then people start growing enhanced food for people to consume at a high price. Then people say organic food is better. And people revert to naturally grown food. People start growing these food for people to consume at an even higher price. People lost the ability to think. People forget how to change a light bulb. People do not know how to partition hard disks anymore. People forget how to write with a pen and paper. People will forget how to use a mouse. People will forget how to talk to people without the use of a keyboard.
Simplicity has made people rude. No need to proper introductions. People do not dress well anymore. No corsets no hoops no make up no lipstick no tuxedo no shiny black shoes no clean-shaven face. People do not greet people properly anymore. People do not know how to ask questions in a full sentence anymore. People are not bothered to be polite and proper anymore. One word if possible. No word if possible. Wave the finger. Raise the eyebrow. Telepathy. All the better. Art becomes an empty shell with few strokes of laziness. Buildings are built to look like factories. Cements are never covered with paint. Tables look like four sticks with a board on top. People replace heavy chandeliers with round paper lamps. Phones lose its ergonomics because people would rather hold impossible objects than be comfortable. People are so rude they are not bothered to name people by names. Just people.
Cleanliness has made people weak. people used to eat next to rubbish dumps. People used to drink off the tap and wells. Washing food before consumption was never a necessity. People never needed water filters. People never needed air filters. Those days are gone. Now there are cleaners that kill 99.9% of all germs, and they are in everything. People never need to get sick anymore. People never need to eat synthetic anything anyore. Water becomes near distilled, food becomes near sterile. But people keep dying. People die from pesticide that protect their food. People die from lack of strength. People die from air from water from beds from masturbating too much from being in the sun from being in the rain. People die from the drugs that are suppose to keep them alive. People die from music from consuming a little dirt from screwing their distant cousins.
Protection has made people ignorant. People used to know how to protect themselves. Not anymore. People now fall from the stairs and break everything they have. People are so protected now they don't even know trouble when they are slapped in the face with them. People forget how to cross roads. People forget how to swim. People don't know how to avoid dangerous animals and poisonous food and deadly plants. People get so used to eating all sorts of shit because they know they are insured. People do not know how to control themselves because they know they are insured. People do not avoid danger because they don't know how to avoid danger.
Immortality has made people dread life. Life used to be sacred. Life used to be cherished. People would wake up every morning being glad they are able to live one more day. People forget that now. They forget the beauty of life. People take for granted the blessing they have. People go about their boring lives they just want everything to end. People hate life and everything it represents, but people are too afraid to kill themselves. People are afraid of uncertainty afraid of pain afraid of failure. People avoid adventure and risk because it reduces their chance at immortality. People eat all sorts of crap because statistics show they are suppose to life until the age of 80. Everybody does. So people are not worried. But people are rarely actually happy. Because people do what they need to stay alive, they never know they've been dead for a long time. People forget what it means to be alive. People stay within that little comfort zone, as long as they have immortality nothing else matters.
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