Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Do It Because

I drink less water everyday because I'm afraid of getting lost in a desert someday, and not have enough willpower to go days without water.

I don't eat breakfast because I don't want to have a habit of eating it, then suddenly not doing it due to time constraints and ending up with gastric.

I don't eat Panadol because there will come a day when I really really need it, only to find myself immune to its effects.

I replace the expensive antennae on my new car with a cheap fake one which don't really work because I'm scared the expensive one would be stolen.

I don't buy genuine branded goods because I'm afraid someone might steal it

I leave the plastics in my new car on because that way the seats won't get dirty

I practice to poo once every 3 days because that way when I go camping, I can hold on a few days without needing to poo.

I drive like a psycho bitch every day because I know there will come a day when I need to drive that way when rushing to a hospital.

I hold pee in my bladder for hours sometimes because I'm training for days when I'll be stuck in traffic a long time. That way I'll be mentally prepared.

I still eat at dirty restaurants because I think that it keeps my immune system strong.

I'll borrow my friend's Manual Transmission car for a drive every once in a while because when there's a killer zombie chasing after me, and the only car available is a stick, I'd be able to drive off with it.

I hurt myself sometimes to train my resistance to pain because there will come a day of war and I might become a prisoner of the enemy.

I would skip meals every now and then to train my mental strength because there might come a time of famine.

I sometimes fill myself silly with alcohol and drive home because I'd like to train my perception to surpass the alcohol's influence.

I never watch the very final episode of all my favourite TV series because if I do it'll be over... Forever.

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone


  1. Here's a secret...

    I do what I do because I fear one day, my personality will be exposed so far out that I have no self-esteem and have no respect for my self anymore.

    I do what I do because one day, I know I will die before 40yrs old due to stress that causes hormonal imbalances.

    I do what I do because I AM different. I don't want to fit in to society.

    Yes, I've got issue that I don't want to bother people with.

  2. Nice arr nice arr nice arrrrrr?!?!?!

  3. Nice nice nice! Haha.. Anna, maybe you've got something that you do because...
