Despite having to drive an average of almost 3 hours a day for a gazillion years, many still despise driving. It's like learning the ABCs from Count Dracula, and hating him in the end. Driving is the epitome of self-awareness. It sets you free from Sardine cans lined in red and blue, fume facial while waiting for your bus, and 10 effing bucks for trip around KLCC in the cab. And you still dread at taking control of that wonderful contraption, hate having to send it for service and when you start its engine you can't wait to turn it off immediately.
Sure it emits dangerous amounts of CO2 which would inevitably kill the entire world and everything in it, but it's also the modern version of what fairy tales call 'The Angel's Wing'. Okay, that would be the plane. But not everyone can fly around to work and back everyday, and have it parked in your garage now can they. Look at your face in the rear-view mirror one day when you're stuck in the traffic jam, and see how much you frown when you get on the driver's side of your car. Seriously, why do you hate it so much? You've got a radio, which now plays MP3 in thumb drives ( Too bad for those who don't), air-conditioning to ward off evil heat wave, and comfy generic car seats with cheap upholstery. It's not that bad! Automatic trannies mean you only need to work, of 3598 parts of your body, only your right leg, two hands, two eyes and some of your brains. That's easier than photostating your daily minutes!
On your way home from work, do you find it hard to come out of junctions into big roads? Wanna know why? Cos like you, everyone tends to stick their car noses so near up the backsides of the cars in front, so damn afraid of letting anyone in between. It's like each car they give way to will make them miss an entire episode of ASTRO On demand. Firstly, you've barely lost 1 second of your lifetime. Secondly, its ASTRO On Demand. It means you can watch it again, and again, and again.
However there are of course some lesser being who thinks not giving way is a sign of control and a habit to gain supremacy over everyone. I think its downright stupid. Even if you're uneducated, you could at least act like one, so people won't talk crap about you. Seriously, what do you have to lose? Save your ego for something worth fighting for.
So get a good night sleep tonight, with a smile on your face. Wake up tomorrow, step into your car, and try to enjoy the trip to work. You'll learn to notice beautiful things about your car, like the lever to trigger Turn Signals which you never knew existed. Chill out in your car, and start absorbing everything in. You're gonna be driving till you're at least 50, so why not learn how to like it.
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