I'm tired. I'm sick. I've had enough.
The hate. The complaints. The whiny people always blaming you for everything that goes wrong around them.
I hate it when people return home from a somewhat first world and the first thing they notice are everything bad about you. The heat, the rain, the rubbish, the congested airport, the loud taxi drivers haggling outside, the conveyor belt that delays their baggages. The dirty toilets, the long queues at the stamping line, the people trying to cut that queue.
Those who had their queues cut will blame you for the bad education you give them. The ones who cut the queue will blame you for making these lines inefficient and slow. Other countries are never this slow, they say. People elsewhere are more educated than this, they say.
Roads are congested, and it's your fault. Heavy rain slows down the traffic flow, and it's your fault. Faulty traffic lights, your fault. Motorbikes running lights, your fault. Portholes, your fault. Those who drive fast hate the slow drivers for not respecting the time of others. The slow drivers hate fast drivers for disrespecting their lives and safety.
Weavers think they're better drivers than everyone else. The speed limit is too slow. That 'No U-Turn' sign is unreasonable. Toll price is always going up. Petrol price is always going up. And it's all your fucking fault. Always. Because everything needs to free for everyone right? Because except for them, nobody else needs to make money, right? Because only they know how best to set the speed limit of a road, not some actual road safety department that went for numerous certifications. Because these road safety department people only went to Berlin for an expensive holiday and used the certificate examination as an excuse.
A baby is left in the car, and everyone blames you. A dog is left in a car and everyone blames you. The beaches are filthy and everyone blames you. The waterfalls are treacherous, and everyone blames you.
A family gets killed in a freak car crash. You get blamed for the family driving a beat up car because cars are so damned expensive here. A man dies of hypertension and you get blamed for not making healthy food cheap enough for everyone.
People cannot get jobs because you are not an ideal location for FDI and job creation. People cannot compete with expats because your education system sucks. People always live along the poverty line because you don't know how to take care of them.
I am sick and tired of all these blames and whines. If cars are expensive, buy cheaper ones. If you can't afford it, work harder. If traffic is always congested, take the train. We are a part of the country that is our home. If you don't like this country, leave the hell out.
Dear whiners
Don't walk around complaining about every fucking thing that's happening around you as if it is your bloody birth right that everything must be given to you. Don't put on those fucking black faces when things don't go your way and say 'Malaysia Boleh' like you're so much better than everyone else.
Freedom and democracy is not a right served in a silver platter. Economic advancement does not just happen like night and day. We are the driving force for the economy. If we spend all our days trying so hard to snake off work, and all we ever think about is the end of the month so we can get our pay, how on Earth will our country advance?
So stop blaming the country. Stop blaming my country. If something goes wrong, look in the mirror first. And stop your fucking stupid 'Malaysia Boleh' bullshit, it's an insult to my country. If you don't like it you can either make it a better place, or just leave.
Happy birthday, my love
Happy birthday, my love