Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Humanity and All It's Glory

The world was so beautiful. The world was so good. It was only always about who gets to be friends with who. And when you don't get to be friends with that group, go find a group who'll be friends with you. It was never about who you are and what color's on your back, but rather what was it you liked to do. Play game-books? Play court games? Football? Life was so beautiful and there were so much to look forward to. Teachers and parents would ask everyone their ambition, their dreams, their ultimate destinations. Everyone would think and analyse and study their likes and their don't likes. They would see which ambition suits them, and how they can get to where they wanted to be. Doctor? Pilot? Engineer? Business man? Everyone had awesome ambitions and dreams. 

What does a doctor do? They heal people and save lives. What does a Pilot do? They fly huge and sophisticated aeroplanes. What does an Engineer do? They are humanity's forefront in technology. No they're not. They create the sophisticated planes that pilots fly. What does a businessman do? They make a lot of money. 

Nobody knew the significance of race, and what it meant to anyone. Nobody knew why they needed to fill in the 'Bangsa' in all forms given. Nobody had much money. They were all given just enough to last one lunch and maybe one tea. Some would have more some would have less. It's okay. They'll all share. Everyday. Without any spite. Not the color, not the creed, not the class. Just that if a friends needs help, help will be given. Because it was the right thing to do. 

The older one becomes, the more wicked the world becomes. So the world is segregated by race and religion and class and creed. Why? Because the world is so diverse, with so many people from so many parts with so many different ideas. But instead of trying to understand each other, people shut out those who do not agree. They are called weird, they were labelled according to culture and teachings. They were opposed, suppressed, enslaved. Everyone wanted to have their own way at things. Nobody wanted to try to understand the mechanism behind a working method. Just that it did not come from any of their 'kind' it was automatically rejected. Who cares who's method you use, so long as it is for the greater good of all mankind? Everyone cared, because nobody bothered about the good of mankind. They were all only out to protect themselves.

Money became everything a person would live for. It became everything a person could live for. Face, dignity, glory, greatness. They all depend on how much money one has. Whatever it is you strive to achieve in this world, money is almost always the only answer. 

Humanity was a beautiful race. Kids were raised watching cartoons and Animes of people's sacrifices to protect each other and lesser beings. The kids had such high hopes for humanity and what it represented. They were all fake. All shit. Humanity is the one only thing that has been causing so much destruction to the world in the little time they inhabit it. Humanity is the smartest of all beings in the world, yet they are the most disappointing. They pillage, kill and conquer each other to satisfy their Egos. They hunt and torture and slaughter animal for sport. Disgusting and filthy humans. I'm embarrassed to be associated with humanity.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Remove Them Blinkers

I was driving in town, heading towards a traffic light junction. I was going to take the slip stream turning left, and there was a Singaporean car in front of me doing the same. As we were making the turn, I noticed a white couple waiting at the edge of the Zebra Crossing for traffic to allow them passage. The Singaporean car stopped for them. As they were crossing, another man reached the Zebra Crossing and was about to make the cross when the car suddenly moved and forced him to step back to the curb. That man appeared to be Bangladeshi.

At the end of 2010, parts of Peninsula Malaysia were struck by flood. News reported daily updates of the dead, stranded, and destroyed. Twitter and Facebook spread minimal news of the event. A week later parts of Brisbane flooded. Twitter and Facebook were full of daily updates on people inconvenienced by that flood.

Many years ago Asian ladies would die to be married to a white guy. It doesn't matter where they're from or how they look or how old they are. White was white was white. And white was superior. White was God Race. Well that was many years ago.

Nowadays Asians who study abroad get to know and mingle with this so-called God Race, and find them rather..... ungod-like. They don't breathe fire, they don't wield thunder striking hammers, they can't stare you to death. They're not even all that smart, come to think of it. They're human, they bleed red and they learn like us and make mistakes like us and die before 100 years old like us.

What was it that makes this kind of people so superior, besides the fact that they gave us The Renaissance and The Industrial Revolution and The Rococo and The Penicillin and air planes and trains and cars and roads and toilets and sewers and electricity and phones and Coke and McDonald's and The Internet and democracy? Nothing. They're exactly like any of us Asians, only fairer and fatter from climate and culture.

But I bet some would disagree. They are those who will talk different when with a white, drink all kinds of Monets just to look 'cultured', celebrate ID4 more passionately than 31st August, wish they could bleach their skin to look more 'elite' and do not let their kids learn their mother tongue so they wouldn't have the accent.

I say screw all who still worship selected races. Have some dignity, people! We are exactly the same inside. Our lack of influence in the world's history was not caused by lack of intelligence, rather lack of opportunities. So they were the first ones who occupied the world and discovered fire. Given us the same amount of time we'd get them done right too! And why was it that our leaders believed what Marx said?!

We gave the world fireworks ( which ultimately led to all wars known to Man) and mathematics and astrology . Not much, but not that bad considering.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Zombies R Us

Have you done something simply because everybody else is doing it? Have you chose paths in life you have no idea why you did? Have you made a choice that the only choice you will make is not to choose? Have you lost your nerves? I have.

Get yourself stuck in the traffic jam. Do you keep out of the yellow boxes? Do you leave a spot in intersections for cars to pass even when you don't have to? Do you readjust your car's position to allow motorbikes space to pass? Did you not do them because nobody do them and you'd look weird if you do? Do you beat that red light because everyone else is doing it? Spineless wimps.

You love Thom Yorke so much, when he farted you recorded it, psychoanalysed it and called it an experimental work of art. You love Apple so much when they launched the Face Talk which can only be used on Wifi connections as compared to Video Calls on 3G, you called it a revolutionary advancement in technology. You love BMW so much when they launched the ugliest 6-Series and X6 a few years back, you thought they deserve a spot in The Louvre.

People take a bloody stand! So what if nobody else thinks the same? So what if you're the only person in the world who's doing it? They may insult you or sneer or laugh at you. Deep down inside, I guarantee you, they admire you for having the balls to stand up for what you believe in.

Most of us go through the most uneventful lives any self-aware being on Earth can ever waste a century of existence on. Grow up, study and study and study, graduate or not graduate, work work work work work, get car get house get wife (husband) get married get kids, work work work work, retire and die. What makes life mean more than pathetic is when you have something to stand up for. A reason, a purpose, a mark, a goal. I'm not talking about making money. Money is only as useful as you are shallow. I'm talking about making a difference. Saving sharks or greening your lifestyle or going on a paleo/vegan diet or even stopping your car outside of yellow boxes when driving. It makes you you.